CUL-DE-SAC LIFE, CUL-DE-SAC WIFE! Today’s guest: My suburban neighbor and friend, Wine Darci! Wine Darci doesn’t know when to stop. Wine Darci DGAF. This podcast is not for mean trolls, crybabies, or entitled brats.
(and like it that way). Feature writing, copywriting, website content, SEO: Meet your one-woman dream team!
CUL-DE-SAC LIFE, CUL-DE-SAC WIFE! Today’s guest: My suburban neighbor and friend, Wine Darci! Wine Darci doesn’t know when to stop. Wine Darci DGAF. This podcast is not for mean trolls, crybabies, or entitled brats.
I had been admiring (read: STALKING) Hexelot's Instragram for a while before I sent her a little nudge of encouragement. DID NOT EXPECT THIS : )
What’s that noise?! Oh, it’s just the guttural moan of May Black, nasty, defiant frontlady and guitarist for Oakland modern grunge rock band MUTT.
Let's bust out the markers, make some DIY signs, and meet up at the SLO Women's March coming up this Jan. 21 in Mitchell Park in SLO. Then, lets rock out to a boisterous and heartfelt girl power concert bringing together a gaggle of SLO lady musicians under one roof!
And now, answering your burning question of what Mavis and Manning want for X-mas this year...
Who will join me on my crusade to bring more strong, female maker voices to the world?
So Reid has this amazing Christmas story. I beg him to tell it every year. It takes place back when he had just moved to San Luis Obispo from Oakland and did't have that many friends or family to share the season with. It basically ends with him and his friend Stan drinking beers and eating gas station burritos and getting drunk on Christmas Day.
It really means the world to us when our friends collaborate with us in this sort of spontaneous, good hearted, open way - it's honestly what makes the music so fun. (Friends that have helped us, you know who you are).