Rock 'n' roll can be really ... graphic.
The first sketch, circa November, 2014. Art by Dr. Reid Cain, Esquire.
“Does anyone have a tuner? Is this blood or ketchup on my guitar? ”
WHO'S THAT GIRL ON STAGE? She must totally have her act together.
Um. Or not...
Yes, I have plenty of embarrassing and insightful fodder for this graphic novel project, which I hope to complete by January, 2016.
Like ... that one time I got toilet paper stuck onto my heel before playing a show, and couldn't stop laughing at the hilarity of it all.
Or that time I almost bought a Go-Girl device for an Oregon tour...and almost learned how to pee standing up (not really a life goal, as it turns out).
When I was 13, I figured if I learned every Black Flag song I could, then my life as a rock star wouldn't lie far behind. This logic has played out hilariously and with about as much glamour as a gas station burrito.
Playing with the guys has never meant "being one of the guys," although I do get to smell all of their uniquely-tailored farts.
I am a musician, a writer, a wife, a rat dog mom and a believer in the power of red lipstick and heavy distortion. This is my story, as chronicled in my own words accompanied by doodles, courtesy of my husband and band mate, Dr. Cain.
All characters appearing in this work are real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is totally on purpose.